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Director's Notes

4-H Clover News

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2024 Fair Exhibitor Handbook

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4H Livestock Auction 2025

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2025 Public Presentation Packet

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Pheasant Rearing Contract Agreement

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4-H Scholarship

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Earn an Animal Application

 Download File
Earn an Animal Record Book

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Guernsey Calf Scholarship

 Download File
4-H Cloverbuds

4-H Cloverbud Project List

 Download File
4-H Cloverbud Horse Ground Skills Evaluation Form

 Download File
4-H Cloverbud Record Book

4-H Cloverbud members are encouraged to complete a Coverbud Record Book. This exercise helps young 4-H members to process what they have learned, remember the fun they experienced as part of the 4-H club in the past year, and to share their thoughts and feelings with a tangible result. Their completed record book also provides the 4-H Cloverbuds a sense of accomplishment.

4-H Cloverbud members are expected to complete the book themselves. Entries may be a combination of words and drawings. Submission to the 4-H office is not required.

Download record book in PDF below.

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Secretary's Monthly Report

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4-H Club Fundraiser Request Form

 Download File

4-H Member Resources
4-H Fonda Fair Animal Entry Form in Fillable Fromat
Posted 7/15/2024

Please see the attached 4-H Fonda Fair Animal Entry form for Animal entries. Remember to submit one form per species a youth intends to show. 

These forms have been made fillable so that you may type and e-sign your entries if you wish to do so. 

4-H Fonda Fair Non-Animal Fillable Entry Form
Posted 7/15/2024

Please see the attached 4-H Fonda Fair Non-Animal Entry form for Non-animal entries. 

These forms have been made fillable so that you may type and e-sign your entries if you wish to do so. Non-animal forms will require exhibit cards. These will be available for pick-up in the 4-H office. 

4-H Apparel Sale Summer 2024
Posted 6/24/2024

Apparel orders are due with payment to the 4-H office by Monday, July 15th. 

2022 Jennifer Freeman 4-H Memorial Scholarshi;
Posted 2/9/2022

Applications are available in the 4-H Office or on our website.
***Reminder all applications are due by April 30, 2022.
Give us a call if you have any questions.


4H Re-Enrollment Update for 2021
Posted 12/15/2020

Due to the unfortunate consequences of COVID-19 over the past 8 months, and the inability to carry out 2020 4-H Programming as we normally would have, the Cornell Cooperative Extension Board of Directors voted to waive the 2021 4-H Enrollment Fee for any youth/family that was a paid, enrolled member in 2020. For those individuals/families/clubs that can, in lieu of paying enrollment, the board encourages 4-H members/clubs to do an “act of kindness”.. donating to items to a food pantry, donating coats to a coat drive, donating to a local charity etc. Any new individual/family enrolling in 4-H for 2021, will be asked to pay the enrollment fee. In addition, any returning members that already paid for their 2021 enrollments will be refunded the enrollment fee via check. EXTENDED DUE DATE: Enrollment paperwork is due by January 1, 2021. Enrollments must be submitted to the 4-H Office to participate in any 4-H function. After January 1st, only enrolled 4-H members/volunteers will receive correspondence and mailings from the 4-H Office. Please visit our website if you need a copy of enrollment forms.



2020 4-H Apparel Order
Posted 11/10/2020


This is a reminder that orders for the 2020 Order for Fulton-Montgomery  4-H Apparel is due by next Monday, November 16th, along with payment.
Attached is the full order form. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. 

4H Meeting Guidelines Due to COVID-19
Posted 8/25/2020

Attention all enrolled 4-H Adult Volunteers and 4-H Youth/Families. Fulton-Montgomery 4-H will be allowing 4-H Clubs to meet in-person starting soon. Before we are able to allow in-person events, meetings or activities, we must have our volunteers trained in COVID-19 safety procedures and a COVID-19 Assumption of Risk form signed and submitted to the 4-H office for all enrolled adult volunteers and youth participants.

Attached are the required COVID-19 4-H safety forms and a checklist to assist with submission of forms. Below is a link to the recorded zoom training that occurred last Thursday, August 20th. If you are an enrolled 4-H Adult Volunteer and you did not attend the training on zoom last week, it is mandatory that you follow the link below and watch the recorded training. This will take about 47 minutes to complete. Once finished, please complete and sign the required forms and submit them to the 4-H office. See checklist for more details.

The attachment listed as “COVID 4-H Safety Plan Ful Mont” contains these forms from the checklist;
The COVID-19 Safety Plan (pages 1-4), Health Screening (page 5), 4-H Meeting & Event Log (page 6) and 4-H Meeting & Event Safety Plan (page 7).

Fulton-Montgomery 4-H Volunteer Training - COVID-19 Safety Plan and Procedures

If you have any additional questions about the forms or training, please don’t hesitate to ask.

FM 4-H Scholarships
Posted 4/30/2020

The Jennifer Freeman 4-H Memorial Scholarships are sponsored by 4-H private support funds in Fulton and Montgomery Counties.  Up to two scholarships (each $300.00) are awarded annually to encourage 4-H members to pursue formal education beyond the high school level.  Major emphasis is given to a candidate’s 4-H experiences and achievements including the influence 4-H has had on the individual’s career and educational goals.  The scholarship may be used for any legitimate higher education purpose.

   Eligibility requirements are as follows:

1.       Candidate must be a current or former 4-H member who will be enrolling as a freshman at an accredited college, university, junior college, community college, technical or trade school in the fall of 2020.  This includes 2 and 4-year education programs in any field.

2.       Candidate must have been a 4-H member for at least 3 years with at least the most recent 4-H membership in the Fulton/Montgomery 4-H program.


Scholarship Applications are due to the 4-H Office or postmarked by April 30th.

Public Presentation Video
Posted 4/14/2020

Due to the current COVID-19 situation and social distancing we will be offering youth the chance to share their presentation on video to be uploaded to the Fulton-Montgomery 4-H YouTube Channel. These video presentations will be evaluated by our originally scheduled judges. If you would like to participate in this, please use the attached document for detailed instructions for submitting videos. All videos must be submitted by Friday, April 17th. Please be sure to email Kyle, ky292@cornell.edu with any questions.

4-H Equine Extravaganza
Posted 4/5/2019
 Sunday, April 28th 2019 
9:00am through 3:00pm
Equine Center at SUNY Cobleskill Saratoga Drive, Cobleskill
SUNY Cobleskill faculty and students in partnership with Cornell Cooperative Extensions of Schoharie-Otsego & Fulton-Montgomery welcome 4-H youth from across New York State to join us for a fun filled educational day that is intended to broaden the 4-H youths knowledge within the horse project and provide more insight into Hippology.
See the attachment for registration form and more information.

More Articles

Welcome to the 4-H Member Resources Page

Find the following printable items below in this column:

- New 4-H Enrollment Forms

- Project Lists/Summaries

- Animal Forms

- Record Books

- Animal Record Sheets

- Volunteer Nomination Form

- Scholarship Application

4-H Membership Policies - Age & Residency - Fulton & Montgomery Counties

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4-H Member Enrollment Procedure

The 4-H enrollment period is October 1 through June 1. No enrollments are accepted after June 1. 4-H independent members are responsible for submitting materials directly to the 4-H office. 4-H club members' enrollment materials must be submitted to the club organizational leader, who is responsible for submitting all club enrollment forms.

4-H members are considered enrolled when completed required forms, including all required signatures, and payment are received by the 4-H office. Once enrolled, members will be added to mailing lists and will receive current communications from the 4-H office and CCEFM. To ensure no interruption in communications, re-enrollment should be completed no later than December 1.

 Download File
4-H Member Enrollment

New  & Returning 4-H Members: Use this packet if you were not enrolled in 4-H last year or are re-enrolling in 4-H. Complete 1 packet per member.

 Download File
Returning 4-H Volunteers

Use this packet if you are re-enrolling as a 4-H volunteer from 2012 to the present.

 Download File
New 4-H Volunteer Enrollment

Use this packet if you have not been enrolled as a 4-H volunteer in Fulton & Montgomery Counties since 2012.

 Download File
4-H Project List

This is a list of the 4-H projects available to non-cloverbud 4-H members.

 Download File
4-H Project Summaries

This document provides a detailed summary of each 4-H project offered on the Fulton-Montgomery 4-H Project List.

 Download File
4-H Animal Identification Forms

-Animal Lease Agreement
-Horse Certificate
-4-H Non-RegisteredLivestock Certificate
All Animal identification forms are due in the 4-H office no later than June 1.


4-H Horse Forms

Evaluation Forms:
Every 4-Her with a horse project needs to be evaluated. In addition, 4-Hers will need to be re-evaluated if they move up or have a new horse.

-Cloverbud Ground-Skills
-Driving Evaluation
-Riding Evaluation

Call the office if evaluation is


Additional Horse Forms:

-Horse Form
-Acknowledgement of Risk Form

4-H Member Record Book

4-H Member Record Books are an important part of a 4-H member's learning experience. The skill of maintaining accurate and complete records of a 4-H project leads to a greater understanding of the new knowedge gained and its application to many situations in life. In addition, verbalizing results in a written manner provides a 4-H member satisfaction and a tangible sense of accomplishment. All books are required to be completed by the 4-H member.

Record books are due to the 4-H office by October 15th, refer to the directions in the record book when completing. Download the Record Books Below:  *Note every 4-Her who has an animal project needs to fill out the animal record sheet in addition to the record book**

-4-H Member Record Book (Fill-in Version)
-4-H Member Record Book (PDF Version)
4-H Cloverbud Record Book
-Animal Record Sheet
"How To" Complete Record Book