March 24, 2018, Internal Parasites in Sheep & Goats, FAMACHA Certification Workshop
CCE of Columbia and Greene Counties, Meeting Hall, 479 Route 66, Hudson, NY 12534
Cost: $20 per farm or family for supplies plus $10 for each person (includes pizza lunch).
Pre-Registration Required – Spaces are Limited!
Register online (you can also pay via PayPal from this link):, or call CCE of Columbia and Greene Counties at 518-828-3346 Ext. 209.
Internal parasites (gastro-intestinal worms) are the number one health problem affecting sheep and goats in much of the United States. This workshop is designed to help producers develop integrated parasite management (IPM) programs for their farms. In addition to teaching the basics of internal parasite control, the workshop will provide hands-on training in using the FAMACHA Anemia Guide (good only for the barber pole worm), and health exams to determine the need for de-worming. Participants will receive a laminated FAMACHA Guide and other resources to assist with goat and sheep parasite control in the Northeast. You are encouraged to bring a refrigerated fecal sample of 8 to 10 fecal pellets in a baggie from one sheep or goat at your farm to the workshop.