Please note that some volunteer positions may require an application and approval process.

Share Your Expertise & Talents
Be a speaker at 4-H Ag Awareness Day
4-H Agriculture Awareness Days incorporates 13 station topics in the field of agriculture into an event for 4th grade classes from area schools. Speakers must present a topic of agriculture in an interesting and interactive way to help develop the understanding that children have about local agriculture and its impact on them. 2 or 3 Ag Days are scheduled each year in June and September.
Help at 4-H Bi-County Horse Show
Held in July, this role doesn't require horse-specific knowledge. Volunteers roles include: help check-in riders as they arrive, hand out ribbons, serve as ring steward, show secretary, ring crew (move equipment in and out of ring such as jumps, poles, etc.), gate person, concession stand workers.
Host a 4-H Dairy Judging Barn Meeting (any time of the year)
Dairy Judging Barn Meetings involve youth learning about and then practicing dairy cattle judging. Hosts need to have a facility that is conducive to classes of four cattle being lead around, evaluated and placed by a group of up to 40 youth. Cattle must be trained to lead.
Teach a workshop at 4-H Horse Camp (July)
Volunteers teach youth riding skills for English, jumping, Western, trail, fitting and showmanship, driving, stable management, and other topics of interest to equestrians.
Help implement a 4-H animal show at the Fonda Fair (last Tuesday of August through Labor Day) Roles may include serving as ring steward, announcer, clerk, or handing out ribbons.
Serve on a 4-H Task Group (Horse, Dairy, Ag In The Classroom, Dog)
Volunteers for each of the special interest groups help plan and implement county wide events and activities for youth in that interest area. Usually 3-4 meetings per year.
Be a speaker for 4-H Environmental Field Days (May & September)
Do you have expertise in an environmental topic you would like to share? 4-H Environmental Field Days link experts in the community and region to fifth grade classes, who learn about the environment through hands-on and interactive presentations. Students spend 20 minutes at each station.
Serve as a 4-H judge at the fair
Judging of the 4-H non-animal exhibits is held on the Saturday before the Fair begins. Youth bring projects in areas such as woodworking, rocketry, foods, gardening, clothing & textiles, arts & crafts, photography, natural resources, among many others.
Serve as a 4-H Cloverbud "Happy Listener"
4-H Cloverbud projects are non-judged entries. Research has shown that competition at the 4-H Cloverbud age (age 5 through 8) is not appropriate and can sometimes prove detrimental to positive youth development. The 4-H Cloverbud "Happy Listener" greets the young 4-H Cloverbuds with a smile and encouragement as he/she listens to the child express thoughts and feeling about his/her completed project.
Serve as a 4-H judge for special events through out the week of Fonda Fair
Evaluate youth's exhibits and performances, ages 9-19 Activities include clothing revue, talent expo, food events, and others. Generally, volunteers serve between 2 and 4 hours for an event.
Assist in the Cooperative Extension Building
Face Paint in the Cooperative Extension building
Volunteers paint children's faces (or hands or ankles) from noon-6 p.m. daily in the Cooperative Extension building at Fonda Fair. The activity is a fundraiser for Extension. Sign up for 3 hour shifts. Designs and supplies are provided.
Serve as a Cooperative Extension Building Assistant
Fonda Fair building assistants play an important role each day in the Cooperative Extension building. Tasks include greeting building visitors, traffic control, loss prevention, lost & found, giving directions, and generally assisting staff with building activities. Shifts are 3 hours between 1:30 and 10:00 p.m.
Help with Food Service in the 4-H Snack Bar
Serve a 3 hour shift in the window-service 4-H Snack Bar at the fair. Training sessions scheduled.
Volunteers work with youth to make milkshakes, ice cream cones, pour soda, and prepare many more food items. Customer service and cleanliness are paramount. Knowledge of food prep and NYS Health Department regulations helpful but not required.
Volunteer for Cornell Cooperative Extension
Serve on the CCE Board of Directors
Six Fulton County residents and six Montgomery County residents assist in setting the organizational direction, ensuring necessary resources, and providing oversight for programming, administration and financial obligations of the association. Term of office is three years. Board meets eight times each year, plus committee meetings to be determined. Members represent the association with decision-makers, community members, stakeholders, etc.
Serve on an Issue Committee
Six to twelve volunteers serve on each committee. Committees focus specifically on a program area.
Members assist in establishing program priorities, evaluating programming, fundraising, and communicating with partners.
Be a Master Gardener
Join a corps of volunteers who are trained by CCE in the science and art of gardening. Answer questions and provide educational information to other gardeners in the community. Conduct workshops in schools, for garden clubs, at home & garden centers, and the Fonda Fair.
Become a 4-H club leader
Adults undergo an interview and volunteer application process, meet with a 4-H staff person, attend training sessions and quarterly volunteer meetings with other 4-H volunteers. 4-H staff participate in the club’s first two meetings to get you started.
Be a resource volunteer
Everyone has something to share. There’s something for everyone. 4-H offers more than 150 projects in 30 different areas. Volunteers can share their talents and interests in a “hands on” setting, through “training the trainer,” or in an advisory role.
Help CCEFM spread the word about nearly 100 years of good work
Write an open letter to your representatives. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily or weekly newspaper.
Call a local radio, television or newspaper reporter for a feature story or interview. Attend a public forum where community issues are being discussed.