2013 SABA Beginner Beekeeping Class
The Southern Adirondack Beekeepers Association (SABA) has gathered local experts and Master Beekeepers to teach a class geared toward new beekeepers and those who have had bees for a while but still need instruction.
If you've been thinking about honey bees, here's a class for you. If you might start with bees in spring 2013, now is the time to find out if beekeeping is right for you. You'll learn how to buy and assemble equipment, where to place your hives, how to acquire bees, how to care for your growing colonies and how to prevent, identify and treat diseases. Though the first summer’s honey is mainly left for the bees to get through their first winter, harvesting will be touched upon briefly. Swarms, beeswax, flowers, queens, stings and more. The goal of this class is to help you begin beekeeping more confidently than if you were on your own.
Class size is limited.
Dates: January 9, 16, 23, 30, February 6, 6:30 – 9 p.m.
To be held at the Saratoga County Cooperative Extension, 50 West High St., Ballston Spa
The sixth and final class (open hive) will be in the spring, date and location TBA.
Required texts: The Beekeeper's Handbook (Sammataro and Avitabile) and Hive Management (Bonney). Couples or family members in the same house who take the class together can share books.
After you register, your books will be sent to you.
Class fee: $80 (includes 6 classes, books, handouts and a 1-yr. SABA membership)
Visit SABA's website at http://www.adirondackbees.org to see what we'll have each night, and to register for the class.
If you have any questions, please contact one of the organizers of this class:
Anne Frey, annef@capital.net
Ian Munger, beekeeper@bluelinehoney.com