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Ringing in a Healthy Start to the New Year
Posted 12/29/2012 by Elizabeth Phillips, Alabama Cooperative Extension System

After holiday indulgences, the New Year brings new opportunities to return to a healthier lifestyle. The high caloric and high fat temptations of the season are gone, and Americans often make resolutions to lose weight or increase physical exercise in the New Year. Adhering to the New Year's resolutions can be strengthened with a plan to set goals for healthier living. However, do not set impossible goals. Millions of Americans set and then break New Year's resolutions each year. Instead of setting yourself up for failure with goals that are too ambitious, make small lifestyles changes and choices that can produce big results in the New Year.

Plan to control the types of food choices. Focus on a healthy balance of all the food groups. Select an array of grains, vegetables, fruits, milk and dairy, and meats and beans for optimal meal planning. Plan to control the portions of foods selected. After a super-sized holiday season, trim down the portions and see better results in maintaining or losing weight. Find more information at http://www.choosemyplate.gov/

Plan to change your style of food preparation and alter poor habits of the past. Instead of frying foods, you might try baking or broiling your food. Try reducing the amount of fat and sodium in your preparation of meals. Seek other flavorings such as herbs and spices to make your meals tasty and interesting. Be adventurous in 2013 and try cooking with healthier additives that will help promote your new lifestyle plan.

Develop a plan for getting more exercise in the New Year. Walking, jogging, swimming, dancing, biking, and other forms of physical activity can achieve excellent healthy results when combined with wise dietary choices. Ask a friend or relative to join you to achieve your goal of increased activity. It is always more fun to tackle tough challenges when you have a buddy for encouragement. Burning calories through healthy exercise can help everyone live healthier and more balanced lives.
Remember to maintain your healthy food choices when eating away from home in the New Year. Many restaurants now have leaner and healthier menu choices for those who are watching their waistline.

The New Year will bring new challenges and will require high energy and optimal fitness to face these challenges. Resolve to use good judgment and to make sound choices to improve your overall health in 2013.

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