Farm Disaster Preparation Certificate Program
The Farm Disaster Preparation Certificate is directed to all sizes of farms and all types of products. Dairy and livestock farms are especially encouraged to participate in the program due to their additional concerns regarding animal agriculture.
A certificate program workshop will be held on Thursday, February 7, 2013 from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. at Farm Family, 344 Rte. 9W, Glenmont, NY 12077. The cost of the workhshop is $35 per person.
This 6-hour training program focuses on pre-disaster education and preparedness, covering key topics such as:
- Farm equipment safety on the road
- Barn fire and structure collapse prevention
- Minimizing storm damage, coping with power outages, and maintaining continuity of farm operations during community disasters
- Reducing criminal activity and stored chemical risks
- Enhancing livestock handling and biosecurity.
Participants are expected to complete all five sections, by listening to a presentation, participating in discussion questions, and making notes about what they intend to inspect and modify back on the farm.
Participating farms should be able to withstand a farm emergency with a higher level of resiliency. We expect this will lead to fewer overall insurance claims among participating farms, a safer and more secure food supply, and farm families that have a greater sense of readiness for unknown disasters.
Several farm insurance companies in New York are acknowledging this program and will provide an incentive for farm owners to participate. Farms that complete the Farm Disaster Preparation Certificate training will receive a dated certificate to provide to their insurer. The certificate may be a condition of eligibility for receiving a more favorable farm insurance policy review or a discount on the farm's annual insurance premium. The economic value of the recognition or discount will vary according to individual policies and policyholder circumstances.
Space is limited. Please register by Monday, February 4. You may register by calling Gale Kohler at CCE of Albany County. Gale’s number is: 518-765-3599. You can also Email Gale at The workshop is co-sponsored by CCE Capital Area Agricultural and Horticultural Program and Farm Family Insurance.