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4-H youth development to benefit from “Stories from the Mohawk Valley” donation in February
Posted 2/5/2013

4-H youth development to benefit from

“Stories from the Mohawk Valley” donation in February

Bob Cudmore’s February “seed money” donation is a $100 gift to the 4-H youth development program in Fulton and Montgomery Counties.

The donation comes from sales of Cudmore’s history book, “Stories from the Mohawk Valley.”   In all, $2,200 has gone to area charities from sales of the book since its publication in 2011.

The 4-H youth program is being publicized on Cudmore’s morning radio show on Amsterdam’s Lite 104.7 FM / 1570 AM WVTL, plus audio streaming on www.wvtlfm.com 

About 18 to 20 4-H clubs involve young people in educational projects in Fulton and Montgomery Counties.  4-H is coordinated by Cornell Cooperative Extension and depends on the participation of volunteer adult leaders.  4-H is also raising funds this month with a sale of products from local vendors. http://www.ccefm.com/readarticle.asp?ID=1477&progID=1

Donations may be sent to: Cornell Cooperative Extension, 50 East Main St., Canajoharie, N.Y. 13317.  Make the check out to Cornell Cooperative Extension and write 4-H Youth Development on the memo line.

Contact: Bob Cudmore, 518 346-6657

Signed copies of “Stories from the Mohawk Valley: the Painted Rocks, the Good Benedict Arnold and More” may be purchased at Old Peddler’s Wagon, 175 Church Street in Amsterdam.  The book is also available at bookstores.  E-books can be purchased through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and the  iBookstore.  Order by mail information at www.bobcudmore.com  Bob Cudmore writes the Focus on History column every Saturday in the Daily Gazette.


Bob Cudmore's book "Stories from the Mohawk Valley" www.bobcudmore.com
The Bob Cudmore Morning Show, 6-10 a.m. weekdays

Lite 104.7 / 1570AM WVTL, Amsterdam, N.Y.  www.wvtlfm.com

Focus on Mohawk Valley History http://www.dailygazette.com/weblogs/bcudmore/

518 346-6657

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