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Environmental Workshops being offered
Posted 2/27/2013

Environmental Workshops being offered

Presented by Pheasants Forever

Montezuma Audubon Center

2295 New York 89, Savannah, NY 13146

Thursday, March 7th, 2013 6pm - 9pm


A-ON-DO-WA-NUH Sportsmen’s Club

4716 River Rd, Leicester, NY 14481

Friday, March 8th, 2013 6pm - 9pm

Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge

1101 Casey Road, Basom, NY 14013

Saturday, March 9th, 2013 2pm - 5pm


The workshops are FREE of charge and all are welcome to attend

Presentations will include the following topics…

  • · Managing wildlife on Private Property
  • · Food Plots, Native Warm Season Grass establishment, Pollinator Habitats
  • · Wetland Development
  • · Early Successional Forest
  • · State and Federal cost share/incentive programs for landowners

There will also be a landowner help desk available following the presentations.

Network with agency staff from; Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Ruffed Grouse Society, National Audubon Society, NRCS and USFWS.

The workshops will be indoors with light food and refreshments provided.

For more information and to register please contact

Shon Robbins – Regional Wildlife Biologist

(570) 204-5761 or email srobbins@pheasantsforever.org

These workshops are made possible through grant funding provided by the American Wildlife Conservation Foundation.


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