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Tips to Keep Walking Fun! April 3 is National Walking Day!
Posted 3/30/2013 by Cindy Bryson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension

April 3, 2013 is the American Heart Association’s National Walking Day and a nationwide call-to-action for Americans to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Physical inactivity increases the risk of coronary heart disease. Luckily, this is a modifiable risk factor and improving it is as easy as going for a walk most days of the week. One of the most effective forms of exercise to achieve heart health is walking.

The American Heart Association suggests “at least 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise or 75 minutes per week of vigorous exercise (or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity). An easy goal to remember is 30 minutes a day, five times a week. However, you will also experience benefits even if you divide your time into two or three segments of 10–15 minutes per day.”

Walking is a fun, inexpensive way to include valuable, physical activity in your day. It can be done anywhere, at any time. If you don’t shake it up a bit, walking may get monotonous. Here are a few ways to break up that routine:

  • Walk with a friend if you usually walk alone. Or take your family. It may not be as fast, but others point out things you may not see, and make the time fly!
  • Take a different route. See something new. Try watching a movie if you are walking on the treadmill. It will encourage you to walk longer.
  • Use a pedometer. Wearing one all day will be a gentle reminder to keep moving. Parking further away in the parking lot or taking the stairs will help.
  • Listen to upbeat tunes on a portable device.MP3 players, walking radios, etc. are all great ways to kick up your heels while you are walking.
  • Update your shoes and socks. Wearing ill-fitting or make your feet sore, and can affect your legs, hips, and back. According to the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, most walking/running shoes need to be replaced every 300–500 miles of use. For example, if you are walking 2 miles a day — your shoes will need to be replaced about every six months.
  • Keep a walking journal. It is motivating to see how far you have come — and helps you set goals.
  • Hydration is important and key to staying healthy. Carry a favorite water bottle when you walk. It can double as a weight until empty.
  • Pamper yourself after walking Use a foot spa or a great peppermint foot lotion to pamper those tootsies!
  • Try a heart rate monitor/watch. You will know when you are working to your health capacity.

One last hint — if you are having problems encouraging your family members to walk with you, try giving them a gadget to walk with. This may just be the thing to get them hooked

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