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Do you really need 8 glasses of water a day?
Posted 4/20/2013 by www.extension.org

You’ve heard it forever: Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day to be healthy. Do you really have to drink 64 ounces of water every day to stay healthy?

“No, not really,” says Susan Mills-Gray, University of Missouri Extension nutrition specialist. “We take water in so many different ways each day that most of us get enough liquids if we’re making quality beverage and food choices.”

New guidelines from the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine actually recommend more than 64 ounces per day: 72 ounces (nine 8-ounce glasses) for women and 104 ounces (13 glasses) for men. “Keep in mind, however, that this recommendation includes all beverages and water-containing foods,” Mills-Gray said.

Food can supply up to 20 percent of the recommended water intake. Fruits and veggies pack the most watery punch, especially melons, cucumbers and tomatoes.  In addition, beverages such as milk and juice are composed mostly of water. Even beer, wine and caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea or soda can contribute, but these should not be a major part of your daily fluid intake.

“Water is still your best bet because it's calorie-free, inexpensive and readily available,” she said.

It’s fairly easy to know if you’re getting enough water: Check the color of your urine. It should look like pale lemonade. Dark, strong-smelling urine is a sign that you probably need more fluids.

Most health experts agree that most of us would benefit from making proper hydration a higher priority. “When in doubt, it’s probably not a bad idea to make a point of drinking a bit more water and eating plenty of water-containing foods,” Mills-Gray said.

Source: extension.org and Susan Mills-Gray, University of Missouri Extension,

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