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Live Mindfully for Better Health
Posted 4/20/2013 by www.extension.org

Often we go through our days without much thought as to what we eat and how we move. Living mindfully means paying attention to the events, activities, and thoughts that make up our daily lives. It means doing things on purpose, not just going through the motions of how we have always done things. Living mindfully encompasses all aspects of our lives and can help us eat healthy and be more active.

Simple Steps for Mindful Eating

  • Eat with awareness. Be aware of what is on your plate and of the entire eating experience. Be present in the moment, and enjoy every aspect of the meal you are eating.
  • Eat without distractions – no cell phone, TV, work, computer, newspaper, etc.
  • Don’t eat while driving or working at your desk.
  • Eat sitting down.
  • Eat slowly, and enjoy every bite.
  • Try to make each meal last at least 20 minutes.

Simple Steps for Mindful Physical Activity

Be aware of how you move your body throughout the day.

  • Do you take the stairs, or do you use the elevator?
  • Do you walk to visit a co-worker, or do you use e-mail?
  • Do you park farther away and walk, or do you look for the closest parking place?
  • Think about all the movement you do throughout the day. Become more aware of how much you move or don’t move.
  • Use positive self-talk. Physical activity has long been given a bad rap as being hard and boring. Use positive self-talk to highlight the good things about physical activity. Go from “I have to walk after work” to “I get to take a walk after work.”
  • Enjoy the benefits of being physically active. Be aware of how you feel after physical activity. Do you feel better, stronger, happier, less stressed?

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