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Webinar: Celiac Disease and Gluten Related Disorders - What's the Difference?
Posted 4/27/2013

Over the last several years the market place has offered a large increase in foods labeled ‘gluten-free.’ In addition, gluten-free diets and lifestyles are being promoted in books such as Wheat Belly and in media ‘talk shows’. But who should be buying and eating gluten-free foods? What is gluten and where does it come from? Is a gluten-free diet healthier than following MyPlate recommendations? Has the prevalence of Celiac Disease increased significantly in recent years? Can a person be gluten sensitive but not have Celiac disease? If someone in my family learns they need to avoid gluten, what do I need to know and do?

These questions and more will be answered by Pam Cureton, RD, LDN in a webinar hosted by the Families, Food and Fitness eXtension CoP on May 1, 1-2 PM (CST).

Pam is a clinical and research dietitian specializing in the treatment of celiac disease. She has worked in the area of gluten related disorders since 1993, when she joined the University of Maryland, School of Medicine, working with the Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition and Dr. Alessio Fasano. Her current position includes working with Dr. Fasano at the Center for Celiac Research at Massachusetts General Hospital and for the University of Maryland celiac clinic. Her work includes coordinating the clinical management of patients with celiac disease and gluten intolerance, educational programs and lectures for the celiac community, physician, dietitians and other health care providers and involvement in research projects at the Center. She is the author of many articles on celiac disease and the gluten-free diet and has contributed to many other publications including textbooks, magazines, and other patient education resources. She currently serves as Chairperson for the Dietitians in Gluten Intolerance Disease a subunit of the Medical Nutrition Practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

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