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Tips on Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain
Posted 12/21/2013 by Cornell University, Evidence Based Living

The holiday season is officially here – with its decorated cookies, happy hours and workplace lunches.  We’ve already established that gaining weight has a negative impact on your health. So what can you do to avoid putting on the pounds at this time of year?

It turns out, the evidence shows there are some steps you can take to avoid gaining weight over the holidays.

  • ·Exercise a lot.  Systematic reviews show that burning the calories you consume is an effective strategy for preventing weight gain. That may mean more exercise than you think. One review found that in order to maintain weight, participants need to burn 1,500 to 2,000 calories per week exercising. That’s the equivalent of walking about an hour a day at a moderate pace or running 13 miles a week.
  • ·Get enough sleep.  There is a growing body of evidence that shows there are some clear connections between inadequate sleep and weight gain. Enough rest will make it easier to make healthy choices and avoid overeating.
  • ·Keep track of your diet, exercise and weight. The evidence shows that weighing yourself on a regular basis and keeping a journal to track diet and exercise really works.

Of course, there are dozens of other tips out there that encourage healthy eating: fill up on fruits and vegetables first; if you’re attending a potluck, bring a healthy dish that you like; and after an alcoholic or calorie-filled beverage, be sure to drink a full glass of water.

The take-home message: Even though the holidays are a time to indulge, if you’re aware of your diet and exercise and if you make an effort to take good care of yourself, you can avoid – at least in part – gaining too much weight.

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