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2014 Agriculture Literacy Week
Posted 1/8/2014

2014 Agriculture Literacy Week

 This year Ag Literacy Week will be March 17-21, 2014.  Cornell Cooperative Extension of Fulton and Montgomery Counties will be implementing the 8th annual “Ag Literacy Week” by having volunteers read the book “Who Grew My Soup?” written by  Tom Darbyshire and illustrated by C.F. Payne  to second grade classes throughout Fulton and Montgomery Counties

 In this delightful book, , Phineas Quinn questions the vegetable soup his mom serves for lunch.  He refuses to slurp a single spoonful until he knows who grew each of the vegetables.  Much to his surprise, a man in a flying tomato balloon shows up to answer his questions.  Phinneas joins the magical Mr. Mattoo as they fly from farm to farm, learning about the amazing vegetables, and meeting the farmers who grew them.

As the nation’s conversation is focused on healthy living and eating nutritious foods, it is the perfect time to help our students to build the knowledge that nutrition starts on the farm.  After listening to the story, the students will participate in an activity featuring MyPlate, eating at least 5 servings of vegetables, and introducing actual farmers that grow their favorite vegetables.

Cornell Cooperative Extension is currently looking for volunteers to read in local school second grade classrooms.   There will be two meeting/training opportunities available on March 12, 2014.  The first will be at the CCE office in Canajoharie from 1:30-3:00 p.m. and the second will be from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Shirley Luck Senior citizens Center in Johnstown.  You can choose which meeting to come to. If you would like to serve as a reader, please contact Bonnie Peck by January 30, 2014.  E-mail address bsp8@cornell.edu or by phone 673-5525 extension 115.  Please note:  School and classroom choices for reading are on a first come, first serve basis.  If you have a specific place you want to volunteer, I suggest contacting me early.

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