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A resolution to exercise? It’s good for body and spirit.
Posted 1/18/2014 by www.evidencebasedliving.human.cornell.edu

It’s well documented that fitness centers across the nation will see their busiest days this month as people embark on New Year’s resolutions to exercise more.

Do you have an exercise-related New Year’s resolution this year?  If you do, the evidence shows it will benefit more than just your physical health.

A review published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity investigated the social and psychological benefits adults experience by participating in sports. The analysis included 11 studies published between 1990 and 2012 that addressed the mental and social benefits of sports participation.

The reviewers found, on the whole, that participating in sports resulted in improved psychological health and social well-being. Specifically it found that thirteen different psychosocial health aspects were identified in the ten studies (Table 2). The most common benefits for adults who participated in sports included reduced stress levels and increased social functioning and vitality.

The evidence showed that participating in sports with a club or team was more beneficial than doing something individually. But individual sports still provided some psychological and social benefits, including improved self-awareness.

The reviewers did acknowledge that the evidence on the topic is limited because the data come from cross-sectional studies. Still, the take-home message is pretty clear: Participating in a sport is good for more than your body.

The review makes me think about my own resolutions this year. In the past, I’ve actively participated in the local triathlon club. But with three young children at home, it’s more difficult to join group workouts. Given the benefits detailed in the review, I will plan to attend at least one group workout each week – usually a swim with friends.

Need help to get more physically active?  Your Guide to Physical Activity and Your Heart uses science-based information to help adults develop a safe and effective program of physical activity that can be sustained.  http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/heart/obesity/phy_active.pdf or check the our fact sheet on physical activity at http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/phys/

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