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Reduce your salt intake, help your heart
Posted 3/1/2014 by Cornell University, Evidence Based Living

Salt makes our food taste, well, delicious. It’s found in nearly everything we eat – from soups, to baked goods to meats and cheeses. Most adults consume between 6 and 12 grams of salt per day, even though health organizations recommend intake less than 5 grams per day.

Now a new, sweeping review published in the British Medical Journal finds that a high salt intake significantly increases a person’s risk of suffering heart disease or a stroke.

The review included 13 prospective, long-term studies published between 1966 and 2008, and a total of more than 175,000 participants.  To be included, studies had to follow up with participants for a minimum of three years.

Another study by researchers at American medical schools found that reducing salt intake gradually – by as little as 5 percent of a teaspoon per day – could save between 280,000 and 500,000 lives over a 10-year period.

But what’s the best way to reduce dietary salt?  The American Heart Association has identified the six most salty foods consumed by Americans.  They include breads and rolls, cold cuts and cured meats, pizza, poultry, canned soup and sandwiches.

The best advice for your health?  Try to reduce your salt intake to keep your heart healthy.

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