Exposure to pollutants, allergens, drugs and potentially harmful elements in the human diet abound and can damage the immune systems of embryos, babies and older children, says Cornell toxicologist Rodney R. Dietert, a professor of immunotoxicology in the College of Veterinary Medicine.
To help parents, physicians and other professionals prevent such damage in children, Dietert and his wife, Janice Dietert, have written the new book "Strategies for Protecting Your Child's Immune System: Tools for Parents and Parents-to-Be" (World Scientific Publishing Co.).
"It provides science-based information and specific strategies to help parents proactively protect their child's immune system," says Dietert.
The book covers environmental pollutants, over-the-counter and prescription drugs, vaccinations, infections, pets, hygiene, stress, maternal and childhood diets and safety testing of chemicals and drugs. It discusses such diseases and conditions as childhood asthma, allergies, diabetes, celiac disease, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, autism, atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, leukemia and various diseases of later life. It also includes information about the immune system, various triggers of disease, prominent risks, developmental immunotoxicity testing and safety testing of chemicals and drugs for the developing immune system as well as strategies for preventing immune system damage, from prenatal environments to adulthood.
Intended for parents, family members, physicians, nutritionists, complementary health providers, teachers, college and medical students, and general readers, the book also covers how to plan reduced-risk, immunologically friendly environments, including home, school and playgrounds. Plus, it gives suggestions for correcting immune problems once they have occurred.
Earlier this year, "Immunotoxicity Testing: Methods and Protocols" (Springer/Humana), a technical book edited by Dietert, was published. The text provides current, lab-ready procedures, as well as corresponding background information that is necessary to identify effective testing approaches for chemicals and drugs. For more information, see <http://springer.com/978-1-60761-400-5>
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