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Properly Thawing Food Leads to Fewer Illnesses
Posted 12/3/2010 by Jean Budlong

 Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever! These can all be symptoms of a food borne illness according to Tammy Roberts, nutrition and health education specialist, University of Missouri Extension.

"It is especially important to prevent food borne illness in people that are elderly, pregnant, very young or already sick."

Symptoms can be seen within 30 minutes and up to two weeks after eating contaminated food.

One of the ways people acquire foodborne illnesses is by not thawing food properly.

There are four ways to thaw food properly. These include thawing in the refrigerator, thawing under running water, thawing while cooking, and thawing in the microwave oven.

  • To thaw foods in the refrigerator, the temperature should be at or less than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. This should be used when a large piece of meat is going to be used in a few days.  ("A large turkey can take two to four days to thaw in the refrigerator," said Roberts. "So it is important to plan ahead, especially at holiday times.")
  • Running water can also be used to thaw foods. This must take place in a clean sink, letting the water drain. The water should be cold, at or less than 70 degrees.  (A large piece of meat or turkey also can be thawed using the sink method. Place cold water in the sink, ice can be added to make the water very cold. Place the meat in its wrapper in the cold water. Turn the meat and change the water every 30 minutes to thaw more quickly. )
  • "It is possible to thaw food while cooking. However, it is important to use a thermometer and check the internal temperature of the meat. This will ensure it is cooked properly," said Roberts.
  • A microwave oven can also be used to thaw food. This is ideal with smaller pieces of meat. Large meats, such as turkeys and chicken may not thaw completely. ("Once food is thawed in the microwave, it needs to be cooked immediately for food safety," said Roberts.)

Proper thawing is necessary to reduce or slow the microorganism growth. Microorganisms cause food borne illnesses.

"It is important to never thaw food at room temperature," said Roberts.

Source: extension.org and Tammy Roberts, University of Missouri Extension, last updated: November 20, 2010

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