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Develop a Regular Eating Routine
Posted 12/30/2010 by Jean Budlong

Developing a regular eating routine can play an important role in maintaining our health and well being. The Louisiana Cooperative Extension Master Nutrition program fact sheet 12 Reasons to Develop a Regular Eating Routine tells us regular routines can help us resist temptation, save money and maintain a healthy weight.

The fact sheet tells us regular routines are important because:

1. Food is everywhere: From the gas station to the mall, from the candy dish at work to the chips at home. Without a regular eating routine, it can be hard to resist temptation.

2. Grazing can lead to overeating: Without an eating routine, it’s easy to graze on whatever food you find. Many people keep picking at food without ever feeling satisfied.

3. Skipping meals can lead to overeating: Trying to eat less by skipping breakfast or lunch often backfires – and you end up eating more calories in snacks and dinner.

4. Getting over-hungry can lead to overeating: When you are really hungry, it is hard to make healthy choices. It’s also hard to eat slowly and to stop when you are satisfied.

5. Mindless eating can lead to overeating: It’s also hard to make healthy choices and to stop eating when you are doing other things, like driving, reading and watching TV.

6. Television can lead to overeating: TV advertisements and shows are full of food cues – specially designed to make you want to eat whether you are physically hungry or not.

7. Routines help maintain a healthy weight: Establishing regular times and places to eat helps to prevent overeating – and helps you balance your eating with your activity level.

8. Routines help build healthy habits: Develop a routine of cutting up fruit after dinner. You can enjoy some for a naturally sweet dessert and pack the rest for tomorrow’s snacks.

9. Routines help with planning and shopping: When you have a regular pattern of meals and snacks, it is easier to plan healthy choices – and easier to make shopping lists.

10. Routines help save money: Buying food on impulse is usually more expensive. It’s much cheaper to plan ahead – and to have healthy choices available when you want to eat.

11. Children do better with a regular eating routine: A regular pattern of meals and snacks helps children maintain the ability to eat when hungry and stop when satisfied.

12. Different patterns work better for different people: Some people feel better with three meals and a snack; others prefer five smaller meals. Choose the best pattern for you!

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