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Explore Some Citizen Science Activities with Youth
Posted 1/18/2011 by Linda Wegner

Citizen science involves ongoing scientific projects in which individual volunteers or networks of volunteers (who may or may not have any specific scientific training), perform or manage research-related tasks such as observation, measurement or computation.

The use of citizen-science networks permits scientists to accomplish research objectives more feasibly than would otherwise be possible.  Additionally, these projects aim to promote public engagement with research as well as with science in general. Citizen science is one approach to informal science education for youth and adults and is frequently used as a form of education and outreach to promote public understanding of science.

Check out these citizen science opportunities connected to Cornell University for you to explore:

Bird Sleuth -- Check out the Science Investigator’s Kit for Homeschoolers and much, much more

Project Feeder Watch -- Embrace Winter! Count feeder birds for science.

Celebrate Urban Birds -- Start this citizen science project by getting a free copy of the Celebrate Urban Birds kit containing a beautiful color poster, information on urban greening, and bird identification for 16 common species.

Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network -- This an exciting grassroots effort to measure precipitation in the backyards of citizens from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Galaxy Zoo --  Help astronomers explore the Universe.

Great Backyard Bird Count -- The next Great Backyard Bird Count is Feb. 18-21.

Also check out:

Garden Mosaics  

Lost Ladybug Project  

Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners 

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