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What's in Your Vehicle's Emergency Supply Kit
Posted 2/1/2011 by CCEFM staff

Whatever the season experts recommend keeping an emergency supply kit in your vehicle. Some extra items, of course, should be added for winter.

The publication Winter Safety developed by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Warren County and the Warren County Disaster Preparedness Office recommends the following items for a winter vehicle emergency supply kit:

· Blankets, sleeping bags, extra newspapers for insulation

· Plastic bags (for sanitation)

· Extra mittens, socks, scarves and hat, raingear and extra clothes

· Sack of sand or kitty litter for gaining traction under wheels, small shovel

· Set of tire chains or traction mats

· Working jack and lug wrench, spare tire

· Windshield scraper, broom

· Small tools (pliers, wrench, screwdriver)

· Booster cables

· Brightly colored cloth to use as a flag, flares or reflective triangles

For more information on preparing for winter storms visit New York Extension Disaster Education Network winter storms website.

Also visit the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s ready.gov website (en Espanol: http://www.listo.gov/)

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