While it may be under several feet of cold snow at the moment, warm, rich soil lay in wait of springtime, ready to accept tomato plants, carrot seeds, and other nutritious vegetable and fruit plantings. Starting later this month, the Food Gardening 101 series will offer beginning gardeners the opportunity to learn about successfully growing vegetables and fruits in the backyard for the family table.
Trained volunteer Master Gardeners of Cornell Cooperative Extension in Fulton and Montgomery Counties will teach this four-part series. All classes will take place once a month at the Shirley J. Luck Senior Citizen Center, 109 East Main St., Johnstown, 6–8 p.m., February through May.
Residents may register for all four classes or select separate sessions. Each session will provide a combination of classroom instruction, demonstration and hands-on experiences.
Scheduled sessions include: Feb. 24: Starting Your Seeds; March 10: Selecting a Site for Your Garden; April 7: Mapping Your Garden; and May 5: Post-Planting Care. Details about each session are available on www.ccefm.com.
The cost is $5 per class or $15 for all four classes. Pre-registration is required by Feb. 11. Call 762-3909 x 101 or email fultonmontgomery@cornell.edu.
Session 1: Feb. 24
Starting Your Seeds
Learn about choosing the mix, creating the perfect environment, and timing seed starting. Also learn about which plants are better off purchased from a greenhouse. Instructor: Barbara Henry
Session 2: March 10
Selecting a Site for Your Garden
Learn some soil basics, how to locate the garden, types of vegetable gardens, and the best plants to grow in the beginning garden. Instructor: Jay Ephraim
Session 3: April 7
Mapping Your Garden
Learn about planting the garden, including spacing, pre-planting preparation, and putting plants in the ground. Instructors: Ed Radle and Melanie Gessinger
Session 4: May 5
Post-Planting Care
How do you keep your beautifully planted garden growing big and strong and bountiful? Learn about full season care including watering, fertilizing and controlling common pests. Instructors: Phyllis Minich and Bob Landrio