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Participate in the Great Backyard Birdcount
Posted 2/10/2011 by CCEFM staff

Scientists need 15 minutes of your help. Led by the Cornell University Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society, the Great Backyard Bird Count begins Friday, Feb. 18 and runs through Feb. 21.

It may be called the Great BACKYARD Bird Count—and your backyard is a great place to count—but you can count birds anywhere. Count them at a nearby park, your schoolyard, a nature center, even the local landfill—anywhere there are birds!

When you take part in the count, you’ll automatically be entered in drawings for bird feeders, binoculars, books, and many other items donated by sponsors.

You don’t have to be a bird expert to participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count. If you see a species you can’t identify, consult a field guide or look at the ID tips on the Great Backyard Bird Count web site. But if you’re still not sure what the bird is, you do NOT have to report that species. Only report the ones you DO know.

All you do is count birds at your favorite location for at least 15 minutes on one or more days during the GBBC. Please note: you are NOT limited to that amount of time—count all day, over all four days if you wish! Enter your tallies on the GBBC website. While you’re there, explore a little. See your reports and what others are reporting from across the continent.

Watch the above video to learn more on how to participate in this free and fun community service.

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