Products from Palatine Valley Dairy in Nelliston, Fariello’s Confectionery in Amsterdam, Rulison Honey Farms in the Town of Florida and Smith’s Orchard Bake Shop in Charlton are featured in the 2011 4-H spring product sale in Fulton and Montgomery Counties. Proceeds from the sale benefit 4-H Youth Development programming in the two-county region.
All of the money realized from this annual sale remains in Fulton and Montgomery Counties to help make 4-H activities and programs available, affordable and accessible for local youth. No dollars are sent to the state or national organization. The 4-H local food sale is a major fundraising effort for 4-H members and 4-H youth programming outreach in the community.
Ten selections of cheese products including gift boxes, single eight ounce bars of flavored cheddar, and cheese curd are offered in addition to eight varieties of fruit pies available in regular or sugar-free versions. Solid dark chocolate, milk chocolate crispy and cookies and cream chocolate bunnies as well as milk chocolate quarter pound chocolate candy blocks and bunny tracks – chocolate covered raisins are also being sold. Two clover honey products have been added to the food product selection for the 2011 sale.
Download the 2011 4-H Product Sale Order Form to see the local products being offered.
All food products must be pre-ordered and paid for no later than March 29th.
Individuals interested in supporting local 4-H youth development programs by ordering cheese, pies, honey or candy may place an order with a local 4-H member or adult volunteer or by calling the 4-H office at Cornell Cooperative Extension, 518-673-5525 x 113. Orders may also be placed in person at the Extension office at 50 East Main Street, Canajoharie, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays through March 29th.
Encourage neighbors and co-workers to order as well. Download an order form and a Product Sale Tally Form to submit orders.
4-H members and volunteers will collect payment from each customer at the time the order is placed. Cheese, pies, honey and candy will be delivered April 14th in time for Easter and spring holidays.
A New York State study concluded that 4-H club membership makes a difference in the development of positive assets in youth including educational aspiration, desire to help others, school grades, self-esteem, decision-making, interaction and communication with others, and the ability to make friends. Youth may become 4-H members in one of three ways: 1) Start a neighborhood club with at least 5 youth and 2 adults, 2) Join an existing club that may be nearby, 3) Join as a 4-H Independent Member with a parent/guardian or other adult as a mentor. 2010-2011 program year member enrollment for individuals new to 4-H is open until June 1. For information about 4-H membership or starting a new 4-H club, call Georgia at 518-673-5525 x 113 or email