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Eat Right with Color
Posted 3/15/2011 by Roseann Doran

March is National Nutrition Month. This year’s theme revolves around using color to improve your diet.

"Adding a splash of colorful seasonal foods to your plate makes for more than just a festive meal. A rainbow of foods creates a palette of nutrients, each with a different bundle of potential benefits for a healthful eating plan," registered dietitian and American Dietetic Association Spokesperson Karen Ansel said in a news release. Each year the American Dietetic Association sponsors National Nutrition Month.

The American Dietetic Association offers the following color guide when planning your menu:

Green produce indicates antioxidant potential and may help promote healthy vision and reduce cancer risks.

>Fruits: avocado, apples, grapes, honeydew, kiwi and lime

>Vegetables: artichoke, asparagus, broccoli, green beans, green peppers and leafy greens such as spinach

Orange and deep yellow fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that promote healthy vision and immunity, and reduce the risk of some cancers.

>Fruits: apricot, cantaloupe, grapefruit, mango, papaya, peach and pineapple

>Vegetables: carrots, yellow pepper, yellow corn and sweet potatoes 

Purple and blue options may have antioxidant and anti-aging benefits and may help with memory, urinary tract health and reduced cancer risks.

>Fruits: blackberries, blueberries, plums, raisins

>Vegetables: eggplant, purple cabbage, purple-fleshed potato

Red indicates produce that may help maintain a healthy heart, vision, immunity and may reduce cancer risks.

>Fruits: cherries, cranberries, pomegranate, red/pink grape fruit, red grapes and watermelon

>Vegetables: beets, red onions, red peppers, red potatoes, rhubarb and tomatoes

White, tan and brown foods sometimes contain nutrients that may promote heart health and reduce cancer risks.

>Fruits: banana, brown pear, dates and white peaches

>Vegetables: cauliflower, mushrooms, onions, parsnips, turnips, white-fleshed potato and white corn


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