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Ag Literacy Week Highlights Poultry
Posted 3/25/2011

As part of Agriculture Literacy Week, local CCEFM volunteers have been visiting second grade classrooms reading to students and discussing with them where their food comes from. Volunteers have been highlighting the poultry industry to the second graders reading the book Chicks & Chickens by Gail Gibbons.

This year volunteers will have reached every second grade classroom in Fulton and Montgomery Counties.  

Copies of the book were donated to the schools after the reading. The schools were also left with instructions for follow up activities.

Last year more than 1,500 books were donated to schools statewide.

In observance of Agriculture Literacy Week, strike up a conversation about where your food comes from with your children and family.

To learn more view a digital copy of Chicks and Chickens.

This year marked the sixth annual Agriculture Literacy Week. Statewide, Agriculture Literacy Week is coordinated by the New York Agriculture in the Classroom project.

Established in 1985 as a partnership between Cornell University, the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, the NYS Education Department, and the New York Farm Bureau, NY AITC educates youth, teachers, and consumers about agriculture and the food and fiber system.

If you have any questions about Agriculture Literacy Week contact local coordinator Bonnie Peck at the CCEFM office.

Photo: Erica Peck of Gloversville reads and discusses poultry to second graders in Mary-Jean Chapple's class at Canajoharie's East Hill Elementary School March 24.


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