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Local 4-H Youth Stand Out at Regional, National Contests
Posted 3/31/2011 by Bonnie S. Peck

Over the last several months local 4-H youth have excelled at regional and national competitions.

Most recently, two local 4-Hers earned spots, one as a competitor and another as an alternate, in the state Horse Bowl Contest in April. In the fall, two 4-H members followed up their successes at state level hippology and dairy judging contests with trips to national competitions.

On March 19, Fulton-Montgomery County 4-H members competed in the Regional Horse Bowl Contest in Saratoga County. The 4-H Horse Bowl program is an annual opportunity for local 4-H Horse Program participants to demonstrate their knowledge of equine-related subject matter in a competitive setting.

Senior Team Coach Tamara Healy led the her team to a second place finish with Alex Briggs of Mayfield placing second and Arhianna Fleres of Fultonville placing seventh. Briggs will next compete in the state Horse Bowl in Ithaca on April 16 with Coach Healy. Fleres will also be going as an alternate.

Mary Beth Allen placed ninth at the Regional Horse Bowl. Haleigh Claes and Victoria Subik were also on the local senior team that made it to the regional competition.

In the Horse Bowl Junior Division, Coach Breanne Duesler led her team to a fifth place finish. Members of the team were Kendra Kilcullen, Schuyler Claes, Kaitlyn Serpa, and Sarah Subik.

Cornell Cooperative Extension 4-H has offered Animal Science as a project area since its inception in 1914. While 4-H has changed and developed to offer a large array of project areas and learning opportunities over the past 97 years, animal science is still very important. Today’s 4-H dairy and horse youth are tomorrow’s farmers and supporters of agriculture. Here in Fulton and Montgomery Counties, 4-H youth in horse and dairy projects participate in a variety of programs that incorporate learning and knowledge of the science into competitive events such as Quiz Bowl, Judging Contests, and Hippology. Hippology is an interactive program that evaluates a youth ability to evaluate horses, and tests knowledge in a broad range of topics about equine science and horsemanship.   

The recent success of the local 4-Hers at the regional level, follows the success of local teens at the national level. 

Jake Pamkowski of Palatine Bridge placed second at the NYS 4-H Dairy Judging Contest held at the NYS Fair and represented Fulton-Montgomery Counties and New York State at the National Dairy Judging Contest in Madison, Wisconsin. The New York Team placed 15 overall and Jake was the highest placing member of the team. Jake placed fourth in Holsteins, seventh in reasons over-all.   

DeeDee DeRosa of Fultonville placed fourth in the New York State Hippology Contest and went to the National Hippology Contest in Louisville, Kentucky. At the National Contest, the team DeeDee was on from New York State placed second over-all, fourth in team problem solving, first in stations and third in the written test.   

In other recent local 4-H quiz bowl action, on March 5, Fulton-Montgomery County 4-H members competed in the Regional Dairy Quiz Bowl Competition in Rensselaer County. In the Novice Division, Coach Terri Nelson led her team to a second place finish. In individual placings, Jennifer Keehan placed second and John Cressy placed fourth. Also on the team were Katie Joyce and Ben Littrell. In the Junior Division, Coach Martin Kelly with Assistant Coach Margie Cressy led their team to a second place finish as well. Laura Littrell placed fourth and Jesse Cressy placed sixth in individual standings. Also on the team were Krista Gogis, Jacob Cressy, and Aryn Feagles.  In the Senior Division, Coach Rebecca Ferry let her team to a third place finish with Erika Gogis placing fifth and Levi Cressy placing eighth individually. Also on the team were Danielle Bartlett, Ashley Oeser, and Ashley Hulbert. Kelsi Hidde was able to compete on another county’s team.   

Congratulations to all and we thank our coaches for the time and commitment they invested in the program again this year.

Photo: DeeDee DeRosa of Fultonville placed fourth in the New York State Hippology Contest and went to the National Hippology Contest in Louisville, Kentucky.


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