Even after two decades of service as a Master Gardner, Fulton County resident John Deitch says he learns something new all the time.
“I get out of it more than I put in,” Deitch said of his 20 years of service as a Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardner. The countless people Deitch has helped throughout the years might disagree.
Deitch began gardening when he was child growing up in the Bronx. One of seven children, Deitch says his father had each child keep a garden when they turned 10 planting whatever they wanted.
A retired businessman, Deitch said he first thought of becoming a Master Gardener when he met the late, longtime Master Gardener James Donnelly when Donnelly was working a Master Gardener table at a local store.
“I thought I knew a lot until I met Jim Donnelly,” he said.
Even after 20 years of helping local residents with their gardening, lawn and other questions, Deitch still comes to the CCEFM office three days a week. He has volunteered as many as 500 hours a year in recent years.
“I’ve had a great time and learned a lot. You meet a lot of nice people,” he said.
Deitch lives in the city of Johnstown with his wife Doris.