This Saturday is National Walk in the Woods Day. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service is encouraging everyone this weekend to unplug from their busy lives and take a walk outside in the woods.
While studies show that spending time outdoors is good for us, they also show people are experiencing nature less often than in the past, according to a post on Evidenced-Based Living, the blog of the associate dean and associate director of Cornell Cooperative Extension.
“A growing body of evidence suggests people of all ages, and especially children, have fewer nature experiences and spend less time outside compared with previous generations. The research shows this trend has negative implications for health, especially childhood obesity, as well as development and education. A term has even been coined for the problem – “nature-deficit disorder,” the blog says.
According to the blog, studies show that spending time outdoors has positive effects on children’s social and personal skills, concentration and cognitive functioning.
To learn more read the Evidence-Based Living blog post Get outside! The evidence shows it’s good for you.
Also visit the American Forest Foundation’s website to see suggestions for family activities and worksheets geared to helping you use the woods as a ”window to help young people gain an awareness of the world around them and their place in it.”