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Gloversville Community Garden Taking Root
Posted 6/1/2011

Efforts are underway in the city of Gloversville to plant a community garden. Local agencies and volunteers were on the grounds of the city’s long shuttered public pool Tuesday preparing and planting raised beds.

CCEFM is assisting with the efforts to create the community garden at the Littauer Pool site on West Street. The effort is made possible thanks to a grant from the Adirondack Rural Health Network Community Health Planning Committee.

Nathan Littauer Hospital’s HealthLink program initially pursued the grant and then approached CCEFM and its team of volunteer Master Gardeners to get the project up and running. The Fulton County Public Health Department and the Gloversville Boys and Girls Club are also working on the garden. The Nathan Littauer Hospital Engineering Department constructed the three raised beds and the city of Gloversville provided composting material.

Plantings will include tomatoes, peppers, basil, broccoli, cucumbers, marigolds, peas, green beans, zucchini, squash and lettuce. CCEFM Master Gardeners selected the plants with first-time gardeners and children in mind.

Local 4-H member Sara Orlowski of the town of Perth is also assisting with the project organizing, facilitating and assisting the volunteers.

CCEFM nutrition educators are eyeing possible educational opportunities for the community in the areas of nutrition and food preservation.

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