Cornell Cooperative Extension in Fulton and Montgomery Counties is offering lessons to summer youth programming sites in Fulton and Montgomery Counties including libraries and town youth recreation programs. Each 60-minute, hands-on lesson is geared for youth ages 5 to 12. There needs to be a minimum of five youth participants to schedule a lesson and a maximum of 25 youth can be accommodated for each lesson. There is a limit of one lesson topic per programming site.
The lesson topics for the summer of 2011 include Lost Ladybugs and Re-think Your Drink. Youth participants in the ladybug lesson will learn about these helpful insects and how to become citizen scientists through the Lost Ladybug Project based at Cornell University. Youth will play Lost Ladybug BINGO and take part in a “What Part Am I?” insect relay. In the beverage lesson, youth will learn about personal drink choices, the amount of sugar in popular beverages and the importance of calcium and drinking milk. Youth will play “Bone Builders and Bone Robbers” tag and “Look at All that Sugar” relay.
Summer youth program coordinators may schedule one of the lessons for the period of July 5 through August 19, by contacting Extension Educator Linda Wegner no later than June 23 at 673-5525 extension 114 or