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Take Steps to Cope with the Heat
Posted 7/19/2011

The New York Extension Disaster Education Network (NY EDEN) has compiled a list of articles and resources from extension services across the country to help sweat out the ongoing heat.

In a Kansas State Extension article a nutrition specialist says Fluids Are Important to Managing Heat, Humidity Safely.

“Fluid replacement is essential, but it’s best to not wait until you’re thirsty,” says Mary Meck Higgins of K-State Research and Extension, who adds that people often become slightly dehydrated before they become thirsty.

Older adults need to take precaution in the summer heat, an Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension gerontology specialist says.

“As people age they simply don’t adjust as well to the heat,” says Oklahoma‘s Jan Johnston. “They perspire less. Certain medications, taken for a variety of health issues, may work against the body’s natural thermometer. In addition, a prolonged increase in temperature can strain the heart and blood vessels before a person has a chance to acclimate oneself.”

For more information on heat and older adults read Beat the Heat by UVM Extension, Older Adults: Take Extra Care When the Temperatures Soar! by the University of Florida Extension, How Do Our Bodies Adjust to Heat across the Ages? by the Texas AgriLife Extension Service and Tips for Preventing Heat-Related Illness by the Mississippi State University Extension.  

And don’t forget the pets.

Hot weather, dogs and outdoor activity don’t always mix, says a Kansas State University veterinarian. “Even on moderately warm days, dogs can succumb to heat stroke,” the article say. Short faced breeds such as pug and bulldogs are at higher risk.

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