Keith Tidball, a senior extension associate in the Department of Natural Resources at Cornell and the coordinator for the New York State Extension Disaster Education Network, has compiled a list of articles and resources from extension services across the country to help protect farm animals from the heat.
Tidball provides general advice from the Illinois Extension which says "...for production animals we caution that they be given plenty of fresh water, shade and ventilation. If a four-legged farm animal refuses to eat, is salivating excessively, exhibits labored breathing or has convulsions the vet should be called and the animal bathed in cool water starting at the ribs and working the way down the legs." (Rick Atterbery)
Farm animal resources:
For dairy cattle: the University of Arkansas Extension's Heat Stress in Dairy Cattle
For beef producers: the University of Ohio Extension’s Heat Stress and Beef Cattle
For small ruminants: the University of Maryland’s Heat stress in sheep and goats
For swine: the University of Minnesota Extension’s Minimizing Heat Stress in Pigs During the Summer
For broilers: the University of Florida Extension’s Heat Stress Management in Broilers
Also check out the USDA’s Heat stress forecasts - Livestock. The site "predicts heat stress for livestock (especially cattle) out for a 7 day period. It takes into account not only temperature and humidity but cloud cover and wind speed as well. It is one our producers have found very useful in being prepared for heat stress conditions," Greg Brenneman of the Iowa State University Extension says.