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Healthy Living Resources/Recipes
Meals on the Go
Posted 9/28/2013 by University of Minnesota Extension

When eating away from home, planning may be the most important action a person can take. When stressed or rushed, many revert to familiar habits. If those habits are not healthy ones, poor choices can be made. Habits may include grabbing high fat donuts, stopping at convenient fast food restaurants, eating larger portions, or making afternoon visits to the vending machine because there isn’t anything healthy within reach.

Some Omega-3 Oils Better than Others for Protection against Liver Disease
Posted 9/28/2013 by www.extension.org

Research at Oregon State University has found that one particular omega-3 fatty acid has a powerful effect in preventing liver inflammation and fibrosis – common problems that are steadily rising along with the number of Americans who are overweight.

September is Whole Grains Month
Posted 9/21/2013 by Source: LSU AgCenter

Whole Grains Month is a great time for everyone to get on the whole grains bandwagon. Eating better is not an all-or-nothing choice; every little improvement you make in your food helps – in every month.

Food Safety is a Must When it Comes to Packing School Lunches
Posted 9/21/2013 by Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service

Keeping your children healthy so they are better able to learn in school is something that all parents need to keep in mind. Following just a few easy steps will increase the safety of the nutritious lunch you packed for your child.

September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
Posted 9/14/2013 by www.cdc.gov

One in 3 children in the United States is overweight or obese. Overweight and obesity in children can lead to serious problems, like: heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, asthma, sleep problems, low self-esteem, getting bullied.

Being overweight as a child increases the risk of being overweight or obese as an adolescent and young adult. In other words, many kids don’t “grow out of” being overweight.

There is no single or simple solution to the childhood obesity epidemic, but learn what parents can do to help make the healthy choice the easy choice for children, adolescents, and their families.

Snacking—An All Day Affair
Posted 9/14/2013 by www.extension.org

The number of adults and adolescents who snack and the frequency of our snacking have both increased. With busy lives 87 percent of us snack throughout the day and consume about a quarter of our calories from sugary beverages and snack foods.

Unfortunately, many of us choose snacks instead of eating three sit-down, healthy meals. Some of us start our day with breakfast-to-go snacks when there isn’t time to prepare a meal before heading out the door. We may continue snacking throughout the morning, at lunch and dinner, and into the evening.

Whether you snack because you’re busy, bored, stressed, want a pick-me-up or believe it’s healthier to eat mini meals throughout the day, make those calories count toward your total for the day and contribute nutritionally to your well-being. Food manufacturers are meeting the consumer’s desire for healthier snacks with snacks that are lower in calories, higher in fiber or antioxidants.

The Top Foods to Swap, Substitute, Shrink, or Sneak-in to Reduce Added Sugars and Solid Fats in Your Diet
Posted 9/7/2013 by www.extension.org

The 2010 Dietary Guidelines provide key points to follow for an ideal eating plan. The guidelines reveal ways your daily diet could be contributing to excess weight gain and chronic diseases, or it can lead you to better health and vitality. It only takes a small change from what you are currently eating to put the right foods on your plate and in your mouth.

Good Nutrition Means Better School Performance
Posted 8/30/2013 by University of Illinois Extension

It's that time of year again. Summer is rapidly coming to a close, and the kids are dreading returning to school. If you're a parent, you may be dreading their return as well. It can be a daily struggle to pack lunches and make sure the kids have had something to eat before they dash out the door, but it will pay off if you make the effort, said a University of Illinois Extension nutrition and wellness educator.

"Although any breakfast is better than no breakfast, making the extra effort to make it healthy might help your kids do better in school. Studies show that kids who eat a balanced breakfast have higher test scores and can concentrate better and solve problems more easily in class," Leia Kedem said.

Balance Food and Activity
Posted 8/29/2013 by WeCan

What is Energy Balance?
Energy is another word for "calories." Your energy balance is the balance of calories consumed through eating and drinking compared to calories burned through physical activity. What you eat and drink is ENERGY IN. What you burn through physical activity is ENERGY OUT.

Fathering for Family Health and Fitness
Posted 8/24/2013 by Eat Smart Play Hard magazine

Fathers may be the most important and underutilized resource in America today to strengthen families and improve family health and well-being. How can men take steps to promote family health through fitness, nutrition and family togetherness?

As we move forward into the second decade of a new century, the importance of individual fitness and healthy nutrition is at an all-time high. Regular exercise and sound nutrition have been validated by extensive research to be cornerstones of physical well-being, stress reduction and healthy living. Among the variety of resources available to individuals and families on these vital aspects of healthy family living, I’d like to focus awareness on help from an unexpected resource — fathers.

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