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Regional Teams Invaluable to Local Farmers

Cooperative Extension regional agriculture programs are the result of unique partnerships that provide opportunities to commercial producers beyond their individual counties’ borders. These ag teams present educational programs on a wide variety of topics, consult with commercial farmers and producers in a timely manner on specific technical issues, provide on-site visits when necessary and provide assitance to beginning farmers in addition to those making production changes.

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Emergency responder information on pesticide spills and accidents: CHEMTREC: 800-424-9300

For pesticide information: National Pesticide Information Center: 800-858-7378

To Report Oil and Hazardous Material Spills in New York State: NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Spill Response - 800-457-7362 (in NYS), 518-457-7362 (outside NYS)

Poison Control Centers: Poison Control Centers nationwide: 800-222-1222  If you are unable to reach a Poison Control Center or obtain the information your doctor needs, the office of the NYS Pesticide Coordi-nator at Cornell University, 607-255-1866, may be able to assist you in obtaining such information.


Useful Links

Integrated Crop and Pest Management Guidelines for Commercial Vegetable Growers: Up to date recommendations by crop.

Home Gardening resources for flowers, vegetables, and more.

Cornell Maple Program: learn about maple research and extension. Locate local maple producers.

Organic Agriculture at Cornell

Small or Beginning Farms

USDA Fruit & Vegetable Market News

Montgomery County Soil & Water Conservation


Agriculture & Horticulture
“Looking to Change Your Dairy Farm Business to Increase Your Family Income?” Workshop Offering
Posted 11/15/2011 by David Balbian

A free workshop for dairy producers looking to change their business via value added products or herd expansion is scheduled for Thursday, December 1, 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at the Tally Ho Restaurant in Richfield Springs, NY.

The dairy industry has become increasingly competitive. Dairy producers oftentimes are in a quandary as to their future direction. Maintaining or increasing family income is of prime
importance. This meeting will help producers explore choices others have made and help them plan for a successful future in the industry.

Speakers include two Cornell University specialists who work in the area of finances and business planning, and a four person panel who will describe the business decisions they have made with
their dairy farm businesses and how they expect to be competitive in the future.

The program and lunch will be provided free for attendees. Pre-registration is required by November 28. Seating is limited.  Call Cornell Cooperative Extension of Herkimer County at (315) 866-7920 to reserve seats.

Download the agenda.

Asking for Input from Aspiring & Beginning Farmers
Posted 11/10/2011

The Beginning Farmer Barrier Id Survey – Phase 2 has finally opened! Would you please help us learn from aspiring and beginning farmers, and beginning farmer service providers by taking the survey at https://cornell.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_e5s9Jknd8dj43IM

The survey includes questions for aspiring farmers, this includes youth as young as 10! Don’t forget to share this survey with your local 4H, FFA, ag ed teacher, or other youth outreach program manager.

The information gathered in this (and Phase 1) of the Beginning Farmer Barrier ID survey will be freely shared with beginning farmer service organizations throughout the nation. More information about the Northeast Beginning Farmer Project and our work is available at http://nebeginningfarmers.org/

Thank you so much for your time and help! Michelle Podolec, Cornell Small Farms Program, NE Beginning Farmer Project, 15b Plant Science, Ithaca, NY 14853 or 607-255-9911.


Capital Area Ag & Hort e-Newsletter
Posted 11/10/2011

Lots of news about upcoming events and opportunities are included in this multi-page newsletter.

Labor Issues for Ag Employers Seminar Set for November 29
Posted 11/9/2011

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Albany County will host “Labor Issues For Agricultural Employers”on November 29th at The Century House in Latham to discuss issues and strategies facing them in 2012. Speakers will present effective practical information as well as a legislative update during the 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. meeting.

Terence Robinson, a litigator from Nixon Peabody in Rochester, NY will discuss legal issues. Steve McKay from Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Fruit Program will provide some thoughts with his 15 years of H-2A and H-2B experience. Tom Maloney and Marc Smith from Cornell University will discuss the current legislative issues as well as I-9s, e-Verify and their impact on agricultural employers and their seasonal employees. Nicole Willis from NY Farm Bureau will report on the current actions of Farm Bureau on the labor front.

A joint effort between the Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Capital Area Ag and Horticulture Program and the Capital District Vegetable and Small Fruit Program, this class will address a number of issues common to all labor intensive agricultural businesses; regulations, staffing, paperwork and training. Additionally, there will be an informal resource display to help direct employers to the many resources that exist in the area.

Registration for the full event including meal is $60 per person. For more information, please call Gale at 518-763-3500 or visit blogs.cornell.edu/capitalareaagandhortprogram for a registration form. For any additional questions or special requests, please call Sandy at 518-380-1498 or email sab22@cornell.edu.


Field Crop Dealer Meeting November 21
Posted 11/8/2011

Cornell Cooperative Extension will hold its annual Field Crop Dealer Meeting on Monday, November 21, 2011. At the Field Crop Dealer Meeting, Cornell Extension faculty present their latest updates to research and crop production issues. View a full agenda at http://css.cals.cornell.edu/cals/css/extension/loader.cfm?csModule=security/getfile&PageID=1018860.

The meeting will have a new format this year which consists of the actual live meeting at Jordan Hall at the NYSAES in Geneva with interactive real-time broadcasts of this meeting to multiple CCE offices across the state including offices in Albany, Cayuga, Cattaraugus, Clinton, Genesee, Jefferson and Oneida counties.

The meeting will run from 10am to 3pm with participant check-in starting at 9am. Cost of attendance is $10 payable on the day of the meeting at the site of your choice. Lunch will be available at all sites for an additional cost. The 2012 Cornell Guide for Integrated Field Crop Management will also be available for purchase the day of the meeting at all sites for $20.

DEC pesticide applicator and CCA credits will be offered as part of the $10 registration fee.

Pre-registration for this meeting is required. For more information or to pre-register, please contact Mary McKellar at 607-255-2177 or mem40@cornell.edu.

Silvopasture Conference for Graziers & Foresters
Posted 10/18/2011

Northeastern Silvopasture Conference.  November 7th and 8th to be Held at Watkins Glen, NY

At this two-day conference devoted to sustainable woodland grazing in the Northeastern United States, you will learn how Silvopasturing can improve the health, performance and viability of livestock and forestry systems. 

Intended participants include: Conservation Professionals and Foresters, Livestock Graziers, Woodland Owners, Extension and University Faculty, Students, Ag Support Agency Personnel & Rural Community Development Advocates. 

The early registration rate is $89 which covers conference meals (breakfast, lunch and breaks). The normal rate of $129 will apply after October 23rd.  The conference is sponsored by Cornell Cooperative Extension.  Speakers are funded through the generosity of the conference partners. 

Space is limited, so please register early by visiting:  http://nesilvopasture.eventbrite.com  or call CCE Schuyler County at 607-535-7161 for alternative registration.  The conference has been approved for continuing education credits for Certified Foresters and for Certified Crop Advisors. 

Numerous national experts will present at this conference. For a complete program, please go to http://nesilvopasture.eventbrite.com . A block of rooms has been reserved for the conference at the Harbor Hotel on Seneca Lake: http://www.watkinsglenharborhotel.com .


Farm Operation Hurricane Relief Funding
Posted 10/17/2011

Last month Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced the creation of an Agricultural and Community Recovery Fund (ACRF) to help rebuild the agricultural industry and farming areas impacted by Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee.

The Farm Operation Match Component of the ACRF is a coordinated effort by NYS Homes and Community Renewal (NYSHCR) and the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM) to provide emergency funding to help with on farm operating costs incurred as a result of damage by natural disasters.

Read the full letter from the Governor's office.

Note: Commercial fruit & vegetable growers are eligible for this relief, according to the Capital District Vegetable & Small Fruit Team. The team reminds growers that losses must be documented if applying for funding. If local FSA contacts have not documented the farm's losses yet, please feel free to contact one of the team to do a loss assessment. Please call ASAP if you would like an assessment.


Application for Farm Operation Relief Due November 7
Posted 10/17/2011

Download the application from the Governor's Office.


Value-Added Institute Announces Fall Courses
Posted 10/15/2011

Farmers and others in the Adirondack Region interested in food businesses have an opportunity to take classes in the 2011 Value-Added Institute toward a food processors' certificate issued by the New York Small Scale Food Processors' Association (NYSSFPA) this fall.  NYSSFPA, in partnership with Adirondack Harvest and several Cornell Cooperative Extension offices, will offer a variety of workshops in Watertown, Ballston Spa, and Malone, with a final class in Geneva.  Completion of these classes can lead to greater business profitability through the processing of local food products.

October 21 & 22 in Ballston Spa at the Saratoga County Cornell Cooperative Extension office:

  • Processing of Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs for Market
  • One Stop Shopping for Food Business Start-up
  • Local and Sustainable Marketing
  • Small Business Profitability Makeover

November 4 & 5 in Malone at ComLinks:

  • Freezing and Vacuum Packaging of Local Farm Produce
  • Models of Shared Use Kitchens
  • Small Scale Meat Processing and Marketing

November 17 in Geneva at the New York Agricultural Experiment Station Food Venture Center:

  • Acid and Acidified Foods

$25 registration fee covers 3 classes and lunch at one of the sites, the Geneva class with lunch, and dinner and graduation at the New York Wine and Culinary Center in Canandaigua.  Valued at over $250, this institute is funded by a grant from the United States Department of Agriculture’s Northeast Sustainable Agriculture, Research and Education (NESARE) program.  For further information and registration contact:  Alison Clarke, 585-394-0864 or accompost@gmail.com.  Or visit www.adirondackharvest.com. 


New Issue of "Checking the Back 40"
Posted 10/8/2011 by Kevin Ganoe

Download the latest issue of "Checking the Back 40."

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