Posted 8/25/2020

The NY State 4-H Mask Task gives back to your local community by sewing and donating a face mask and/or writing a note of gratitude to those in our community who are needing masks during this time! Fulton-Montgomery 4-H’er Evelyn Fessenden participated in this initiative earlier this spring, sewing over 30 face masks that were donated to the Fulmont Community Action Agency to be distributed to those in need of a mask. Thank you Evelyn!
Posted 8/4/2020
Tuesdays from 9:00am - Noon
October 6th - November 10th
This exciting six-week class will help you develop a product or service from start to finish! Local CCE Educators Mariane Kiraly, David Cox, Nicole Tommell, Laura Biasillo, and Jim Barber have partnered to offer “To Market, To Market,” a six-part series to be held virtually and in-person at four regional locations to make your learning experience comfortable, safe, and flexible.
Posted 8/4/2020
Posted 7/15/2020
Farm Credit East presents webinar on PPP loan forgivenessPrepare for Paycheck Protection Program loan forgiveness July 23rd from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Posted 7/15/2020
The Orleans County Cornell Cooperative Extension office is receiving high volumes of calls from homeowners concerned about the defoliation of trees and shrubs by small hairy caterpillars.
These pests are the larval stage of the Gypsy Moth Lymantria dispar, an invasive species that can cause massive defoliation in home landscapes and woodland forests.
Posted 7/6/2020
Hand sanitizer is available - 4 gallons to a box (with pump)
Face coverings available (packages of 5)
Deadline to Register is July 9, 2020
Curbside Distribution
Monday, July 13, 2020, 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Posted 7/6/2020
Small Ruminants for Beginners
July 8, 2020, ZOOM Meeting, 6:00-7:30 PM. If you have a poor internet connection, you also have the option to call in on your phone.
Free, class limited to 40 participants
Posted 6/30/2020
Please be aware of the new guidelines set forth by Governor Cuomo for workers arriving in NYS. We must continue to be diligent and adhere to our NYS Forward Business Safety Plans to keep our families and employees safe from COVID-19.
Click HERE to learn more about the NYS Forward Business Safety Plans for all NY (Farm) Businesses. Please contact me if any questions arise.
Nicole 315-867-6001
Posted 6/30/2020
This exciting six-week class will help you develop a product or service from start to finish! CCE Agriculture Educators David Cox and Jim Barber have partnered with area Farm Business Management SpecialistsMariane Kiraly and Nicole Tommell to offer “To Market, To Market,” a six-part series virtually andin-person at four regional locations to make your learning experience comfortable, safe, and flexible.
Posted 5/26/2020
Local Online Farmers Market is Up and RunningShoppers, the Source WhatsGood online farmers market is up and running, with a growing selection of local meat, produce and more! Available now: A wide selection of Local Meat products – Eggs – Mushrooms – Early Greens – Plants for your garden – Herbs, Spices & Rubs – Teas, Jams & Pancake Mix – Baked Goods – Honey – A selection of artisanal Fermented Cabbage – even Gifts! The list of products will quickly grow as the season gets underway and more farms come online. Customers interested in shopping from local farms and food producers can order product online at: - On the designated delivery day, you can pick up your orders at one of six locations across Schoharie and Otsego Counties.