Posted 4/23/2012
Just as Vermont was in the 1800s, Washington County which is adjacent to Vermont, was blanketed with Merino sheep. In 1849, Washington County had more sheep (over 500K) than any other county in New York State. The land is still suited to grazing animals, and the public is invited to see a great sampling of them on the Washington County Fiber Tour taking place this weekend, April 28-29, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. each day.
On the Tour are three farms which raise Romney and Natural Colored sheep, one of which also raises Cheviots, and a fourth farm which is located with the Fiber Kingdom (angora rabbits) and has Icelandics and Blue Faced Leicesters. The remaining farms feature alpacas in all their colors. Featured will be livestock and the fiber products they produce, Farmers will be on hand to give visitors information about raising the animals.
For more information please visit or email
Posted 4/18/2012
The athletic fields at Cornell University are for watching great skill and sport, right? Well, not always.
Eighty feet above the athletic fields on Tower Road in Ithaca, NY there is another thing to watch right now.
A Red-tailed Hawk, named "Big Red" in honor of the university, is sitting on her nest with her eggs ready to hatch. And, you can watch in real time via a webcam placed by Cornell's Ornithology Lab. Click here to see the live streaming cam and check out other webcams on the lab's website All About Birds.
Posted 4/12/2012
D.A.S.H. to Your Garden
(Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension that you can grow in your own backyard)
There is still some space in this creative class that aims to help participants learn how eating the right foods can help to naturally lower your blood pressure. The class will include preparation and sampling of some healthy and delicious recipes that use ingredients you can grow in your garden or find at our local farmers' markets.
The class is scheduled for Tuesday, April 17th, 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the Shirley J. Luck Senior Center, 109 East main Street, Johnstown. The cost is $10 per person. Call by Monday to register: 518-673-5525 x 101. CDPHP members may register by calling 1-877-986-2373.
This class is a collaboration of Cornell Cooperative Extension in Fulton and Montgomery Counties and CDPHP.
Posted 4/11/2012
A class focused on planting and maintaining a home vegetable garden throughout the year is scheduled in mid-May and will be taught by Barbara Henry, a trained Cornell Cooperative Extension master gardener in Fulton & Montgomery Counties.
"Beyond the Basics” will cover such topics as
- when and how to plant
- techniques for small spaces
- raised beds
- taking care of young plants through maturity
- some of the pests and diseases in this area
- harvesting and finishing up the garden
- preparing the garden for winter
The class is designed for those with some experience in gardening, but beginners are welcome to attend. The cost of each class is $5.00, payable at pre-registration.
Two opportunities to attend the class include:
- May 10, 2:00 p.m. at the Canajoharie Library & Arkell Center, Canajoharie
- May 17 at 6:00 p.m. at the Shirley Luck Center, Johnstown.
Registration is required and a minimum number of registrations is required to hold the classes. Call Cornell Cooperative Extension at 518-673-5525 x 101 to register or email
Posted 4/10/2012
More Stars. Less Light. Participate in GLOBE at Night!
Become a citizen-scientist and join the 2012 campaign an hour after sunset until about 10 p.m. Wednesday, April 11 through Friday, April 20. People in 115 countries have already joined!
Take a few minutes to get involved in the GLOBE at Night campaign to preserve dark skies. GLOBE at Night is a citizen-science campaign open to people all over t h world to raise awareness of the impact of light pollution by inviting citizen-scientists to measure their night sky brightness and report their observations to a website from a computer or a smart phone.
Light pollution threatens not only our right to starlight, but it can affect energy consumption, wildlife, and health.
Learn how to take measurements and record them at Don't wait! Be ready tos tart your recording this Wednesday, April 11th.
Posted 4/8/2012
The New York State 4-H Foundation has announced its 24th Annual Golf Open will be held on Friday, June 1st at the Country Cllub of Ithaca. The event, benefitting the New York State 4-H Foundation, raises funds to support 4-H programs across the state.
Locally, the 4-H Program in Funlton and Montgomery Counties has been a recipient of numerous grants from the NYS 4-H Foundation that have supported science and leadership projects in the two counties.
Player fees are $125 and include a round of golf, card and luncheon. Sponsorship opportunties range from $5000 to $100. There are also volunteer opportunities for those who are interested in assisting with the event.
Registration deadline is May 5, 2012. Download an event brochure or visit the Foundation website at
Since its inception, the 4-H Golf Open has raised more than $368,000 that has helped to strengthen the next generation of inventors, entrepreneurs and problem-solvers through dynamic 4-H opportunities.
Posted 3/23/2012
by Lisa Karr-Lilienthal, Ph.D. University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Rabbits should be provided with a pelleted diet daily. You may also choose to feed a home-prepared diet of fresh vegetables and greens. The amount to feed depends on the rabbit’s age and reproductive status. Young growing and pregnant or nursing rabbits may be provided with food ad libitum. This means they are provided with an excess of food and can eat as much as they want during the course of the day and night.
Adult rabbits should be fed based on label guidelines for the diet that you have chosen. In general, this means about a ¼ cup pellets per 5 pounds of body weight. This amount may need to be adjusted based on your rabbit’s energy level. More active rabbits will need to be fed more than less active ones. Watch your rabbit to ensure it is not losing or gaining weight, and adjust the amount of food offered accordingly.
Posted 3/22/2012
The CCEFM Master Gardeners have announced that the 2012 beginning gardening series, Food Gardening 101, has been cancelled. The Advanced Gardening classes scheduled for May 10th and May 17th will be held if there is sufficient pre-registration.
Posted 3/13/2012
This week is National Flood Safety Awareness Week. Throughout the week, first responders, community officials and state and federal agency representatives will be meeting with communities across the country to discuss flood safety, community awareness and other related issues.
A public meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 14th, 6-7:30pm, Jefferson Elementary School, 100 Princetown Road, Rotterdam for the purpose of sharing information to help keep your family and property safe during a flood.
Hosted by Congressman Paul Tonko and joined by the National Weather Service, U.S. Geological Survey, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State Office of Emergency Management, the meeting will be emceed by local WRGB Meteorologist Neal Estano.
Attendees will learn information on flood response and recovery along with preventative measures that municipalities, homeowners, and individuals can take to ensure their families and property are adequately prepared to handle a flood. Individuals will be able to talk directly with agencies and organizations one-on-one immediately following the formal presentation.
The public is invited to attend and urged to learn about flood safety.
Posted 3/7/2012
Products from Palatine Valley Dairy Cheese in Nelliston, Fariello’s Confectionery in Amsterdam, Rulison Honey Farms in the Town of Florida and Smith’s Orchard Bake Shop in Charlton are featured in the 2012 4-H spring product sale in Fulton and Montgomery Counties.
Proceeds from the sale benefit 4-H Youth Development programming in the two-county region. “All of the money realized from this annual sale remains in Fulton and Montgomery Counties to help make 4-H activities and programs available, affordable and accessible for local youth. No dollars are sent to the state or national organization,” explains Linda Wegner, 4-H Youth Development Program Leader for Fulton and Montgomery Counties. “The 4-H local food sale is a major fundraising effort for 4-H members and 4-H youth programming outreach in the community.”
Ten selections of cheese products including gift boxes, single eight ounce bars of flavored cheddar, and cheese curd are offered in addition to eight varieties of fruit pies available in regular or sugar-free versions. Solid dark chocolate, milk chocolate and white chocolate bunnies as well as milk chocolate quarter pound chocolate candy blocks and bunny tracks – chocolate covered raisins are also being sold. Two clover honey products are also offered as part of the food product selection for the 2012 sale. All food products must be pre-ordered and paid for no later than March 14th.
4-H members and volunteers will collect payment from each customer at the time the order is placed. Cheese, pies, honey and candy will be delivered March 29th in time for Easter and spring holidays.
Individuals interested in supporting local 4-H youth development programs by ordering cheese, pies, honey or candy may place an order with a local 4-H member or adult volunteer or by calling the 4-H office at Cornell Cooperative Extension, 518-673-5525 x 113 or x 114. Orders may also be placed in person at the Extension office at 50 East Main Street, Canajoharie, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday until March 29th. Download product sale information and an order sheet below.