Posted 12/2/2024
by January 7 - March 4, 2025

Do you need a business plan for your farm? Do you have an idea for a new venture, but aren't sure if it will work? This program is for you!
This course is designed for existing farm businesses or those planning to undertake a new farm business venture. Students will work with their farm's data, and the goal of the class is for participants to have a draft of a written business plan for a specific business venture. Because this is an on-line course, to participate you must have access to a reliable internet connection and a computer.
Posted 7/15/2024

The 2024 Fonda Fair 4-H Exhibitor Handbook is now available! Please see the full exhibitor handbook attached to this email.
When reviewing the handbook and entering for 4-H shows at the Fonda Fair, please read rules and class descriptions carefully.
Also, check out the sign-up forms in the back of the handbook for snack bar shifts, teen leader positions, adult helper shifts and more!
Be sure to sign-up early to ensure you are assigned to your desired shift/position.
All Entry Forms and sign-up sheets must be postmarked by July 27, 2024 or delivered to the 4-H Office no later than August 1, 2024 by 4:00 PM.
If entries are faxed or attached via email, they must be received no later than August 1, 2024 by 4:00 PM.
Entries will not be accepted after the deadline.
Email: -
Fax: 518-853-2129
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the 4-H office.
Posted 7/15/2024

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Fulton and Montgomery Counties invites you to sponsor awards for the 2024 4-H Youth Shows at the Fonda Fair. If you were a sponsor in 2023, thank you for supporting Fulton & Montgomery County 4-Hers! All of our award recipients were thrilled with their prizes which ranged from grooming and feeding supplies, to chairs and plaques. But it’s not just about the prize; 4-H youth gain experience at the county fair that will teach them lifelong lessons and create memories they will always cherish. This summer you have the opportunity to make it happen again!
Posted 2/2/2022

Pie sale is back! Now includes five varieties of Cabot cheese. Pies come frozen. They are available in regular or sugar free. All pies/cheese must be pre-ordered and paid for by March 15th.
Orders will be available for pick up on Thursday, April 7th. We will notify you for pickup times and location. All proceeds stay in our counties to benefit our 4-H youth development program. Please feel free to share this fundraiser with your family and friends.
Posted 5/6/2021

The Farmers’ Museum Junior Livestock Show will be happening this year! We hope you are all excited to participate! Please keep in mind that due to COVID-19 safety regulations, the show definitely won’t look like what we are used to and there may be some guideline changes between now and then.
If you plan to participate in the Junior Livestock Show, 4-H enrollment paperwork and all Animal ID forms/registration paperwork must be submitted to the 4-H office by 4:00pm on 6/1/21 to be eligible!
Please note: Cloverbuds are not eligible to participate.
New for 2021!
-The Junior Livestock Show book will only be available online as a .pdf document or a printed copy may be requested from the 4-H office.
-There will be no-overnight accommodations.
-All shows will be one day shows.
-We are limited to 200 people on grounds, so we ask no spectators and only 2 adults per exhibitor.
-The shows will be streamed live.
-There will be a Meat Goat show offered this year.
2021 Show Schedule
Dairy Goat Show (All Day), Sheep Show (AM), Meat Goat Show (PM)
7:00—9:30 Vet Check in and registration
10:00 a.m. Dairy Goat Showmanship and Breed Classes
10:00 a.m. Sheep Showmanship and Breed Classes
2:00 p.m. Meat Goat Showmanship and Breed Classes
Beef Cattle Show (AM), Swine Show (PM)
8:00– 10:00 Vet check in and registration
10:30 a.m. Beef Cattle Showmanship followed by breed classes
2:30 p.m. Swine Showmanship followed by breed classes
8:00 a.m.—11: a.m. Vet Check in and registration
12:00 p.m. Dairy Cattle Showmanship and Breed Classes
HOW TO ENTER THE SHOW-Online entry for 2021:
Here is the link to the online JLS Registration page:
A Note to Exhibitors:
Once all entries have been entered into the form, the user must choose to “Submit & End Registration”. Before submitting the form, the user will have the option to navigate back to previous pages and forward again. To avoid technical issues, the user should always return to the page of the last entry they entered before submitting.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the 4H office. 518-853-2135
Posted 3/18/2021

Starting Seeds Indoors? Now is the time. See the attached packet for in-depth information on starting your seeds. If you have further questions, give our office a call at 518-853-2135.
Posted 12/16/2020
Getting your hive operation off the ground.
Whether you are currently keeping honey bees, or are considering adding them to your farm, a basic knowledge of bee biology, diseases, pests, and setting up your colony are essential for success.
Understanding the difference between a drone, queen and nurse bee, knowing how to site your apiary properly, having a plan for Varroa mites, and knowing effective winterizing techniques will help ensure your hive(s) make it through the winter so you can harvest honey the following season.
This course, taught by experienced beekeepers and NYS Honey Bee Extension educators will give you real-world experiences paired with academic concepts.
Posted 10/1/2020
DEC Announces Enforcement of New York's Plastic Bag Ban to Start Oct. 19, 2020
State Encourages New Yorkers to BYOBagNY
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos announced today that DEC will begin enforcement of the State's ban on single-use plastic carryout bags on Oct. 19, 2020. The plastic bag ban, which went into effect on March 1, was not enforced per an agreement between the parties in a lawsuit brought by Poly-Pak Industries, Inc., et al, in New York State Supreme Court.
Posted 9/3/2020
Vist our showcase of 4-H projects that represents areas of interest to Fulton-Montgomery 4-H youth.
Posted 8/25/2020
Attention all enrolled 4-H Adult Volunteers and 4-H Youth/Families. Fulton-Montgomery 4-H will be allowing 4-H Clubs to meet in-person starting soon. Before we are able to allow in-person events, meetings or activities, we must have our volunteers trained in COVID-19 safety procedures and a COVID-19 Assumption of Risk form signed and submitted to the 4-H office for all enrolled adult volunteers and youth participants.
Attached are the required COVID-19 4-H safety forms and a checklist to assist with submission of forms. Below is a link to the recorded zoom training that occurred last Thursday, August 20th. If you are an enrolled 4-H Adult Volunteer and you did not attend the training on zoom last week, it is mandatory that you follow the link below and watch the recorded training. This will take about 47 minutes to complete. Once finished, please complete and sign the required forms and submit them to the 4-H office. See checklist for more details.
The attachment listed as “COVID 4-H Safety Plan Ful Mont” contains these forms from the checklist;
The COVID-19 Safety Plan (pages 1-4), Health Screening (page 5), 4-H Meeting & Event Log (page 6) and 4-H Meeting & Event Safety Plan (page 7).
Fulton-Montgomery 4-H Volunteer Training - COVID-19 Safety Plan and Procedures
If you have any additional questions about the forms or training, please don’t hesitate to ask.