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Phone: 518-853-2135


PO Box 1500
20 Park Street
Fonda, NY 12068

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Office Hours:
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Closed Fridays - No Public Hours on Fridays & Federal Holidays

Master Gardener Balsam and Pinecone Wreath Workshop
Posted 11/12/2014

Come join Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners Mary Ann Charon, Joan Eckler and Bob Farrell on  November 20th or December 4th to learn how to create your very own wreaths during this hands-on workshop. This workhsop will be held at the Shirley Luck Senior Citizen Center, (109 East Main St.), Johnstown.

Instructors will demonstrate the techniques and participants will each make two wreaths—one pinecone and one balsam. All materials will be supplied.

This class is limited to 15 participants—Register on or before November 19th. Must have at least 5 to hold workshop. Cost is $20 per person and is required to guarantee a spot. To register call Cornell Cooperative Extension, 518-673-5525 ext 113.


4-H Member & Volunteer Recognition Night November 7th
Posted 10/30/2014

Inviting all Fulton/Montgomery 4-H members, families and 4-H volunteers to celebrate the 2013-2014 4-H year. This year's Recognition Night is on November 7th at the Amsterdam Elks (8 Fourth Ave.). Please RSVP to the 4-H office, if you are unable to come for the potluck please join us for the awards ceremony

Please bring a dish to share for the potluck supper as well as a serving utensil for your food item. Please let us know by 12 noon on November 6th what food you will be bringing and how many people from your 4-H club or family will be attending. We are looking for 4-H member and volunteer families to bring meat/cheese platters, veggies and dip, fruit platters, baked beans, salads, main dishes. Each dish should serve 15-20 people. The 4-H Office will be providing beverages, deserts, plates, utensils and napkins.

4-H member project award discs will be presented as well as 4-H volunteer certificates and tenure pins.  Special recognition will go to outstanding 4-H members and volunteers.   4-H premium checks will also be available for 4-H members who exhibited items at the 2014 Fonda Fair and completed and submitted their 4-H Member Record Books by October 15th.

 ** Come Dressed in Your Best “4-H Spirit” Attire and Accessories! **


Discover 4-H Day: Saturday, October 4th
Posted 9/30/2014
Wondering, what 4-H is, how to join 4-H? It’s time to enroll in the 4-H program. Bring your family to DISCOVER 4-H DAY! Saturday, October 4th, 1-4 pm at the Fonda Fair. This is a day to explore 4-H. Activities will include hands on areas to visit 4-H animals, see 4-H projects,talk to 4-H members and volunteers. Each youth will receive a passport of 4-H activities. Other activities will include face painting, fun games and more! A prize will be given to every youth that returns a stamped passport at the end of their visit to DISCOVER 4-H DAY! Admission to this 4-H event is FREE. Come for a fun filled day!!
4-H Gymkhana Horse Show October 4th
Posted 9/9/2014
Come join other 4-Hers on October 4th for a fun day of 4-H Gymkhana. The event is open to any enrolled 4-H youth throughout New York. The cost is $15 for the entire day. View the attached document for the class list and registration form. Pre-entries are due September 30th!
Talking with Your Doctor
Posted 7/26/2014 by National Institute on Aging

How well you and your doctor talk to each other is one of the most important parts of getting good health care. But, talking to your doctor isn't always easy. It takes time and effort on your part as well as your doctor's.

This 44-page booklet is full of ideas and tips for good communication with your doctor. The illustrations and conversational tone help to explain how to prepare for a medical visit.

CCE Office Closed Monday 7/7/14
Posted 7/2/2014

The CCE FM Office will be closed on Monday, 7/7/14.  We will be open regular hours starting on Tuesday. 

High Tunnels in Schools Grant Application Available
Posted 5/21/2014

     Cornell University's Department of Horticulture and New York Agriculture in the Classroom is pleased to announce the continuation of the High Tunnels in Schools grant program. Two high tunnels will be awarded, and these will be the final high tunnels awarded through this grant opportunity.
     Extend the amount of time that you are able to spend gardening with your classroom by using a high tunnel. A high tunnel is an unheated greenhouse, covered in a single layer of polyethylene plastic (sometimes referred to as a hoop house). The tunnel is heated by the sun, and has been known to increase the gardening season by months.

Schools will receive:
-High Tunnel
-$1,500 to purchase materials and equipment
-Program support from Cornell University

    If you are interested in applying for this opportunity, please follow the link below which will offer in an depth explanation of the high tunnel, grant requirements and benefits, and a link to the electronic application. Applications are due June 15, 2014. http://www.agclassroom.org/ny/programs/hightunnels.htm


Join 4-H by June 1st and Participate in the Summer Fun!
Posted 5/21/2014

It's not too late to join 4-H in Fulton and Montgomery Counties. If you would like to participate in summer events such as the Vet Science, Cooperstown Junior Show, Horse Camp, the Fonda Fair and much more enroll in 4-H today! If you would like more information about 4-H or to see if there is a club in your neighborhood contact the 4-H office at 673-5525. We are always looking for adult volunteers to help with events, lead activities and projects, if you would like to volunteer with the4-H progam call the 4-H office.   

Check it Out!
Posted 5/19/2014

Have you seen them? CCEFM is very excited about our nutrition social marketing campaign, funded by the USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which started Friday in Fulton County.

Women's Health Week
Posted 5/14/2014 by CDC


Take steps to improve your physical health for National Women’s Health Week. Shake things up with physical activity—whether brisk walking, running, dancing, biking, swimming, gardening, or something else that will help you get the recommended physical activity each week. #NWHW http://go.usa.gov/8YDH

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